Mount Zion and Tabgha: Places of Prayer, Breaking of Bread and Sharing.
Genuine bedrock on which one can build a monastery.
Our Abbey in Jerusalem is located on Mount Zion, just south of the old city walls. Here took place the Last Supper, here was the first center of life of the primitive Church.
In Tabgha, on the northwest shore of the Sea of Gennesaret, we look after the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and the groups of pilgrims and guests, who visit this place.
The Theological Study Year is an ecumenical study opportunity offered by our Abbey for German speaking theology students.
Whoever reads our newsletter regularly knows how fragile, indeed dangerous, the monastery building in Tabgha had become. The work on the new building has made progress.
Our house for Israelis, Palestinians and Europeans, for those with disabilities and those without.