Participants in the Study Year on an excursion
Whoever opts for the Study Year at Dormition, has not only two intensive semesters of theology before him or her, but will also have many additional experiences. For, the daily life of the Study Year includes not only lectures, seminars and excursions. In addition the students and professors live together in our study house Beit Josef and have the opportunity to continue the discussions and debates on the subjects treated in the lecture hall during the common meals and also in the evening in a more relaxed setting.
Furthermore the common life, study and prayer of Catholic and Protestant students allows many not only to appreciate better their own confession, but also permits them to experience the possibilities and limits of ecumenical activity in daily life. Life in the land of the Bible, with its different peoples and their conflicts, its landscapes and peculiarities, serves to sharpen insight into the connections between the Scriptures and real life, increase sensitivity to the tensions between peoples and cultures - and it awakens the longing and the hope that, with God's help, these can be overcome.
The alumni of the Study Year engage in pastoral work, in research and teaching, in the media and in adult education - everywhere as ambassadors of the Holy Land and of the history of God's dealings with mankind.