The floor mosaic of the upper church, which our confrere Mauritius Gisler designed and carried out in 1932, can be read as a kind of confession of faith and story of creation:
Fußbodenmosaik der Oberkirche
In the center three concentric bands mark the center of the creation. The light of the triune God, his truth and wisdom is carried out into the world by the greater and the lesser prophets and the apostles and evangelists. Additional bands are formed around the center until finally the ends of the earth are reached - graphically and in letters presented as the names of the twelve months and the twelve signs of the zodiac. The entire circular presentation is surrounded with a quotation from the Book of Proverbs:
From of old I was poured forth, at the first, before the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no fountains or springs of water; before the mountains were settled into place, before the hills, I was brought forth.
(Proverbs 8:23-25)
The One who stands in the middle of the whole creation also holds it together!