Blick auf das Haus und den Garten mit Pool
The Meeting Place offers hospitality primarily to groups from social institutions and schools. At Beit Noah we can accommodates one group at a time. During the warm months (approx. Easter through October) we are able to accommodate a second group in four big tents in the garden. In addition, we are able to host smaller groups as well as individual guests.
Self Service
In principal, Beit Noah functions on a self service basis. We provide kitchens with the necessary dinnerware and utensils. Our volunteers run a small store where basic food items are available. The self service system means that our guests are also responsible to clean up after themselves and keep the premises in order (for example by cleaning up on the day of their departure).
Early Contact
If you are planning to bring a group, please contact us early. Preference is given to groups who are willing to meet with other groups during their stay, in the spirit of encounter. We will gladly assist you in contacting a potential partner group and help you plan a joint program.